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Wonders released statement regarding dogs running loose and owner liability


Newton County Constable Pct 4 Howie Wonders has released a statement regarding dogs and the liability of pet owners.

We have been given the green light to start issuing citations for certain situations involving dogs being loose. We do not have a "leash law" in this county BUT every owner of an animal is entirely responsible for that animal and its actions. With that being said, if your dog has a history of aggression, constantly running at large into other people's property or onto a public roadway, or has a history of damaging property or livestock, please consider this your warning because you may be issued a citation for each day you are in violation of this. I have worked several wrecks and had numerous complaints about this. There is no sense in a human being risking their lives swerving for an animal in the road when the animal should be contained in a humane and proper manner by the owner. So, bottom line, if you're going to own a dog, or any other animal, be responsible about it. Thanks in advance for the cooperation.

Texas Health and Safety Code

Sec. 822.012. CERTAIN DOGS AND COYOTES PROHIBITED FROM RUNNING AT LARGE; CRIMINAL PENALTY. (a) The owner, keeper, or person in control of a dog or coyote that the owner, keeper, or person knows is accustomed to run, worry, or kill livestock, domestic animals, or fowls may not permit the dog or coyote to run at large.

(b) A person who violates this section commits an offense. An offense under this subsection is punishable by a fine of not more than $100.

(c) Each time a dog or coyote runs at large in violation of this section constitutes a separate offense.


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