Two vehicle - one RV accident in Jasper today
Around 1 pm Monday the Jasper Police Department was called out to the Crossroads Jiffy Mart at Hwy 96 and 190 for a two vehicle/one-RV accident.
According to the report, 20-year-old Mykenzie R. Meridith of Jasper was driving a 2015 Volkswagen Beetle. As she was exiting the Jiffy Mart parking lot, she attempted to enter the Eastbound turning lane on Hwy 96. Unfortunately, there was a vehicle already occupying that lane.
44-year-old Carina Lowe of Broaddus was driving a 2024 Ford F150 and was pulling an RV Camper. Lowe was already in the Eastbound turning lane, waiting to turn. When Meridith attempted to enter the turning lane, her car struck the RV Lowe was pulling.
There were no injuries reported.
Photos courtesy of ETB Sharpshooter Lisa Eaves