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Third supply run to those flooded in in Northwest Jasper County

By Beech Grove Volunteer Fire Chief James Gunter

In conjunction with the Angelina River Fire And Rescue and Seth Martindale, Jasper County Commissioner Precinct 1, we’ve made supply run # 3 this afternoon to those affected by the Neches River flooding in northwest Jasper County. This time we drove to County Road 020 where we met several residents of the area.

They all had boats so they were able to ferry the supplies to the 16 people who chose to stay. The water over the road is approximately 7’ deep at the deepest point, resulting in egress/ingress by boat only.

They report they have been cut off by flood waters since May 3 and this is the longest period of flooding ever experienced in this area. The water rise has stopped and leveled off in the last day or two.

Jasper-Newton Electric Cooperative boated into the area this morning and was able to restore electricity to most.

Again, we’re just organizing the receipt and delivery of the supplies. Just as with the first two supply runs, the supplies were donated by The Salvation Army of Jasper, Light of Hope, and Harvest Church. However today Brookshire Brothers in Jasper also contributed.

And the American Red Cross arrived this morning providing a van full of heater meals, water, chips, cleaning supplies, etc. Many of these new supplies have now been delivered to those in need.

We are very grateful to everyone who has contributed.

These folks are resilient and will overcome as they always have. Glad to be of assistance in their time of need.


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