Newton County Sheriff's Report

Weekly Sheriff’s Report
January 29, 2024
By Sheriff Robert Burby
Tall Timbers, Toledo Bend: On Saturday, January 27, at 9:51pm, Newton County Sheriff Department Dispatch received a call of an accidental shooting that occurred in the 200 Block of Tall Timbers at Toledo Bend. The Caller stated that she accidently shot her husband in the lower abdomen. Once first responders arrived, the victim was prepared for transport by Toledo Bend Volunteer Fire Department First Responders. The victim was transported by Allegiance Ambulance Service to Jasper Memorial Hospital. He was later transported to Memorial Hermann
Hospital and is currently listed in critical condition.
This is an active investigation and updates to this case will be provided when new information becomes available.
We will be providing information to the public on our website and Facebook on possible scams that are being reported in our region.
Missing Political Road/Yard Signs: We have notice that political signs are been taken from locations around the county.
Pitman, Curtis Lee 1/23/2024 Bond Forfeiture (Man/Del)
Glaspie, Aaron Andrew 1/23/2024 Unauth Use of Vehicle
Mederos, Dustin James 1/24/2024 Minor In consumption
Caldwell, Roy Troy 1/25/2024 Fal Drug Test Falsification Device
Hartsfield, Cameron Rashod 1/25/2024 Terroristic Threat
Sanders, Derrick Leroy 1/25/2024 Fail to Comply Sex Off Duty To Reg Life/Annual
Bon Wier Neighborhood Watch Group will have their first meeting of year on Thursday, February 1, 2024, at the First Baptist Church in Bon Wier. The start time is 6 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Elliott at (409)379-3636.
Calls To Services (January 22, 2024, to January 28, 2024):
The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered sixty-one (61 ) calls to service.
Jail Population:
We currently have twenty-six (26) inmates in the following Jails, thirteen (13) in Beauregard Parish Jail, ten (10) housed in Newton, three (3) housed in Jasper.
The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:
Newton (Unincorporated Limits: Animal nuisance, Property Damage Accident (mailbox), Theft of Service, Theft\, Burglary of a Habitation,
Devils Pocket: Suspicious Activity/Vehicle,
Sandjack: UUMV
Kirbyville: Civil Matter
Old Salem: Disturbance
Pine Grove: False Alarm, Animal Bite
Toledo Bend: Firearms Accident, Financial Abuse of the Elderly, False Alarm,
Trout Creek: Suicidal Person (Arrest Made- Emergency Protection Order Warrant (EPOW), 911 Hang Up, Traffic Hazard
Bon Wier: Welfare Concern, Terroristic threat (X2), Welfare Concern, Information
Farrsville: Property Damage Accident, Juvenile Issue, Cattle in the Roadway (Stockman Call Out)
Bleakwood: Welfare Concern
Burkeville: Civil Matter, Mental Issues
Deweyville: Theft, Harassment Via Social Media), Traffic Hazard, Officer Assist County at the Landfill, Civil Matter, Noise / Loud Music
Friendship: Welfare Concern, Disturbance/Mental Health
Sandjack: Loud Noise
Weirgate: False Alarm, Disturbance
Shankleville: Civil Matter
Hartburg: Disturbance
Liberty: Noise / Loud Music
Call: Extra Patrol due to trespassing people cutting trees, Officer Assist (Lock Out), IPhone Accident Alert (False Alarm), Terroristic Threat, Suicidal Person (Arrest Made - Emergency Protection Order Warrant (EPOW), Suicidal Person (Arrest Made (EPOW), Fraud