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Newton County Sheriff's Report

Sandi Saulsbury

January 22, 2024

Sheriff Robert Burby  


Calls To Service (January 15, 2024, to January 21, 2024): 

The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered 44 calls to service.

Jail Transports:

Newton County had 10 jail transports;

1 to Dr. Appointments, 2 from NCSO to JCSO, 7 from NCSO, JCSO, and Beauregard Parish to court.

Jail Population:   We currently have 26 inmates in the following jails;

11 housed in Newton, 12 housed in Beauregard Parish, 3 housed in Jasper.

The following individuals were booked into the County Jail:

Derodney O'neal McCain 01/18/24 F2 Hold for ISF (Burg of Habitation)

Noelle Avionne Rollins 01/19/24 MA Probation Violation (Assault Cause Injury-Jasper County), MB Probation Violation (Criminal Mischief-

Jasper County)

Isaiah Anthony 01/19/24 F* ISF Hold

Bon Wier Neighborhood Watch:

Bon Wier neighborhood watch meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, January 25, 2024, at 5:45pm at the Bon Wier Baptist Church.

The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:  

Bon Wier: Animal Nuisance, Trespassing/Harassment

Deweyville: Alarm x2, Fraud, Officer Assist x2, Disturbance

Newton (Unincorporated Limits): Officer Assist x2, Assault, Theft, Civil Matter

Burkeville: Animal Nuisance, Theft, Traffic Hazard, Officer Assist

Bleakwood: Burglary, Theft, Disturbance, Accident, Officer Assist x2, Civil Matter

Call: Welfare Concern, Theft

Wiergate: Alarm

Shankleville: Animal Nuisance x2, Theft of Veh, Burglary

Sandjack: Officer Assist

Farrsville: Animal Nuisance

Pine Grove: Welfare Concern

Old Salem: Welfare Concern

Toledo Bend: Alarm, Extra Patrol

Trout Creek: Noise Complaint, Trespassing x2

Gist: Disturbance

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