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Kirbyville shelter is asking for donations

Sandi Saulsbury

The First Assembly of God has set up an evacuation shelter in the church located at 101 W. Trout Street in Kirbyville. Shelter Manage, Tina Miller said they are currently in need of donations to help care for evacuees.

They housed numerous people last week, and many have already moved on. But as Miller said, "We housed 36 last night and have 38 today and are looking at getting more soon as flood waters continue to rise in some areas." There are also currently 6 pets - mostly large dogs.

Miller continued, "Of those we have now, they all have lost everything in the storm. The Red Cross said that they will make sure they have a place to live by the time they have to leave here."

The shelter has given us a list of things that are needed. Delivery is preferred, but if needed, they don't mind making a pick-up.

Miller said that anyone needing to contact her to donate or volunteer, they can call her at 409-622-6541.

Items needed;

Lysol wipes

Paper products


Cups (10 oz/16oz)

Plastic silverware (especially spoons)

Wide rolls of foil

Ziploc bags (gallon and quarts)


Clorox bleach

Toilet paper

Paper towels

Dog food

Individually wrapped snacks and individually wrapped breakfast items

Oil spray Pam

Garbage bags

Tall 13 gallon

Large bags

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