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Jasper Police Department seeking donations for Toys for Tots

Sandi Saulsbury

Our 2024 Toys for Tots will be kicking off for the Jasper Police Association and residents can pick up application packets at Jasper Police Department headquarters located at 555 S. Main Street starting Friday November 1st – Friday December 6th, 2024. Each year Jasper Police Association strives to provide Christmas for needy children and families within the City of Jasper and has brought smiles to hundreds of children's faces. We also partner with local Church groups to supply additional gifts for Operation Christmas Child through Samaritans Purse.


If you would like to donate to the program, please contact Lieutenant Joshua Hadnot at 409-383-6183. They must be new unopened toys for all children up to 13 years old. We also accept monetary donations as all proceeds will go directly to the Toys for Tots program. We want to thank the residents and businesses of Jasper for their continued support of this program and making it a success each year.

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