Jasper FFA had two teams banner at SFA competition!
What an exciting day for the Jasper FFA Chapter. We had 2 teams that bannered at the McGee Bend District LDE competition at SFA today. Our Sr Skills team will advance to Area next Friday for a chance at state. I’m beyond proud of our kids and with Gods blessing I believe these girls can do anything they set their minds too. Rankings are as follows:
2nd place Sr Skills
Miley Seybold
Payton Kelley
Kiley Gary
4 Sr Chapter FFA Quiz
AbbyAnn Flournoy
John Hext
Lauren Hudson
Auriana Larkin
7th high individual Quiz
AbbyAnn Flournoy
9th Radio Broadcasting
Darby Herrington
Mary Vasquez
Hilary Lewis
12th Sr Creed
John Hext
Photos and information courtesy of Jasper FFA