Jasper County has issued a pre-emptive Disaster Declaration ahead of winter storms
Jasper County Judge Mark Allen has released the following statement regarding the winter storm we are about to experience. Also he has issued a disaster declaration ahead of the storm so that should damages occur, we will be one step ahead of the process.
Over the next 24 hours, Jasper County is forecast to receive large amounts of snowfall and possible icy rainfall. As a result of this and the below freezing temperatures anticipated over the next few days, roadways may become dangerous for vehicle traffic.
Please use extreme caution when traveling, especially when crossing bridges and overpasses where ice may accumulate.
The Texas Department of Transportation has been treating the roadways, bridges and overpasses to reduce the risk of accidents, and the Jasper County Commissioners and their crews are preparing their bridges for the winter event with sand on their bridges within each Precinct.
As many of our people are used to hearing regarding the three "P's" during winter storms (Pets, Pipes & Plants), remember to check your pipes, water wells and faucets to minimize exposure to the subfreezing temperatures as much as possible, ensure that pets and livestock are protected, and cover plants and trees that might be susceptible to extreme cold temperatures.
The fourth "P" involves watching over one another. Let's be mindful of our neighbors and family members and ensure that they are safe during this major winter event.
Finally, please use caution with generators and do not operate them indoors. Space heaters should be used away from any flammable objects and remember not to overload electrical outlets and breakers.
In the event of an extended power outage, we intend to work with our partners at the American Red Cross to provide assistance in establishing temporary warming stations to protect those citizens in need.
Jasper County and our citizens are used to meeting the challenges that are brought before us, and if we continue work together, we will move past this winter storm as well.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you need anything my way.
May God bless and protect each and every one of you, and may He continue to bless Jasper County.