Jasper County Commissioners Court
The Jasper County Commissioners Court met in a short Special Session on Monday, April 29th, 2024 and covered the following agenda items:
First, the Court considered opening additional early voting locations within Jasper County for the upcoming May 28, 2024 state runoff elections. The Court noted that historically during state runoff and proposition elections the voter turnout was very low, and that the single early voting location at the Jasper County Annex Facility was the usual location, with all voting locations being opened on the actual election day.
However, due to the interest in the upcoming state runoff election and requests from citizens on the far south and far north ends of Jasper County, the Court opted to open the five early voting locations in Jasper County that are usually opened during primary and general elections, which are at Buna, Evadale, Kirbyville, Jasper and Sam Rayburn. The Court further noted that the State of Texas does not reimburse a county for the early voting operational costs, but to provide the additional voter access, the Court felt it was best to offer all five with Jasper County absorbing the early voting costs.
The dates, times and addresses of the early voting and election day locations will be published by County Clerk Holly Thomas within the next few days.
Next, the Court voted to approve the engineering contract between Jasper County and Goodwin-Lasiter-Strong for the upcoming General Land Office Regional Community Development Block Grant - Mitigation projects in Precincts 1 and 2. These projects are part of the $13.254 million grant award received by Jasper County, which will provide funding for large-scale grant projects in all four Commissioner Precincts.
Concluding business, the Court formed a committee to update existing procurement policies for road and bridge materials, fuel and vehicle tires. The committee appointed will be comprised of County Auditor Melissa Smith, County Treasurer Rene’ Ellis, Precinct 1 Commissioner Seth Martindale and Precinct 4 Commissioner Dennis Marks.
Mark Allen, County Judge
Jasper County, Texas