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Jasper County Commissioners Court

Sandi Saulsbury

The Jasper County Commissioners Court met on Monday, April 15th, 2024 and covered the following agenda items:

First, the Court discussed the major storm event that occurred in Jasper County during the previous week and voted to renew Jasper County’s local Disaster Declaration to allow time for Commissioners to assess damage in their respective jurisdictions, as well as addressing the need to continue sheltering operations for citizens in the Kirbyville area.

Next, the Court voted to apply for a $20,000.00 grant through the Sabine River Authority for reimbursement of costs incurred by Jasper County during the major flood response. The Court was appreciative of the Sabine River Authority for reaching out to assist with emergency operational costs and took note that eligibility for the grant was based upon a portion of Jasper County that was in the Sabine River Basin.

Concluding Emergency Management business, the Court voted to accept a donation of Motorola 2-way 800mhz radios from Hardin County and authorized Emergency Management Coordinator Billy Smith to work with the individual Emergency Services Districts and other agencies in the deployment of radio equipment intended for use in the future.

The Court then thanked Hardin County Judge Wayne McDaniel and the Hardin County Commissioners Court, as well as Hardin County Emergency Management Coordinator Captain Aaron Tupper, for the donation of 43 Motorola XTS 2500 portable and 53 Motorola XTL mobile radios, which will be inventoried and issued upon receipt.

In law enforcement matters, the Court heard from Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Scott Duncan who presented the monthly Jail report, advising that the Sheriff’s Office had invoiced a total of $33,315.00 for housing inmates from Nacogdoches, Newton and Tyler Counties, as well as from the City of Jasper.

In other law enforcement business, the Court voted to approve a Memorandum of Understanding amendment between Jasper County and the Buna Independent School District for law enforcement response and support. This amendment reflects the updated name of Buna ISD’s new Police Chief Kevin Norton.

In road and bridge matters, the Court approved a request made by Precinct 1 Commissioner Seth Martindale to finance a new backhoe from the General Fund in the amount of $134,088.10 to be repaid over the next four years.

The Court then voted to authorize County Auditor Mellissa Smith to publish for bids for CRS-2 Dura Patch and MC-30 types of road maintenance oil.

Concluding road and bridge matters, the Court voted to approve a request to replat Lot 29 and Lot 30 in the Cypress Hills Subdivision in Precinct 1 pending a final review of the deed and original plat restrictions.

In grant matters, the Court then voted to approve the contract between Jasper County and Schaumburg & Polk for engineering services for the General Land Office CDBG-MIT program, which involves projects that Jasper County will utilize grant funding to assist the City of Kirbyville and the Evadale Water Control & Improvement District #1 with replacing and upgrading water infrastructure. This action was taken to reflect an amendment to the original contract to include the recently issued General Land Office Contract #24-065-033-E488.

The Court tabled Jasper County’s engineering contract with Goodwin-Lasiter-Strong out of Lufkin pending requested amendments including a milestone schedule and identification of dedicated engineers or architects on specific projects. This firm will be performing services on Jasper County’s grant funded road and bridge repair projects in Precinct 2 and 3, as well as the community center construction projects in the Dixie and Homer Communities in Precinct 1.

These projects are all funded through a $13.254 million grant allocation received by Jasper County from the General Land Office.

Concluding grant business, the Court voted to approve resolutions designating signatories on the CDBG-MIT grant program, as well updated policies to ensure adherence to civil rights and fair housing protections, which are required by the federal government to obtain this grant funding.

Next, the Court voted to adopt a resolution designating the month of April, 2024 as Child Abuse Awareness Month, noting that in the previous year 397 children in Jasper County were reported as abused or neglected. The Court then recessed and joined members of Jasper County’s Child Welfare Board, CASA and Child Protective Services in a balloon release, memorializing the 173 child deaths reported in Texas this past year.

The Court then heard from District Clerk Rosa Norsworthy who presented her monthly civil and criminal fee reports and Deputy Treasurer Stacy Waggener who presented the monthly financial report, both of which the Court approved.

Concluding business, the Court heard a presentation from sales representatives from Vested Networks, a telephone service provider utilizing cloud-based communication resources.

That covers it for this Court meeting. Please keep the flood victims in Jasper and Newton Counties in your prayers. Have a safe week and as always, feel free to call me if you need anything my way.

Mark Allen, County Judge

Jasper County, Texas

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