Jasper County Commissioners Court
The Jasper County Commissioners Court met on Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 in a Regular Session and covered the following agenda items:
First the Court heard from Sheriff’s Office Lieutenant Jason Hollyfield who presented the monthly Jail report, advising that Jasper County had invoiced a total of $40,595.00 for housing inmates from Nacogdoches, Newton and Tyler Counties for the month of September, 2024.
Next, the Court discussed and approved the renewal of Jasper County’s contract with the Texas Office of the Attorney General and Apriss Insights, LLC for the grant-funded victim notification system at the Sheriff’s Office Jail. This system allows for victims of violent criminal activity to be immediately notified if a defendant is released from the Jail as a protective measure. The Office of the Attorney General pays one hundred percent of the cost of the system on behalf of Jasper County, which totals $18,571.30 annually. Jasper County has participated in this grant program for several years.
In other law enforcement business, the Court voted to accept a grant in the amount of approximately $1.25 million from the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission for radio communications equipment under the Texas Statewide Emergency Radio Infrastructure program, which will once again assist Jasper County with expanding communications capabilities for emergency responders in our community.
The Court noted that Jasper County’s 440 foot radio communications tower project on County Road 546 in the Call Junction area, which was also partially funded under the same grant program through the SETRPC, was nearing completion.
Next, the Court voted to approve an interlocal agreement with the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission for another 440 foot 9-1-1 multi-use communications tower to be constructed at the Sheriff’s Office behind the Communications Center in the City of Jasper. The Court noted that the SETRPC planned to construct a tower at this location utilizing approximately $1.5 million in funds to provide for microwave 9-1-1 communication between Jasper County and the other SETRPC counties of Hardin, Jefferson and Orange to the south.
The Court further noted that this tower could provide radio communications capabilities as well and hoped to utilize this tower in the future to expand the coverage area for emergency responders in the northern portions of Jasper County.
Noting that the cost to achieve a 440 foot tower height would require additional funding from Jasper County, the Court also voted to utilize $100,000.00 of prisoner reimbursement funding out of the upcoming budget cycle to meet Jasper County’s local match on the project. Prisoner reimbursement funds are derived from payments received for housing inmates from surrounding counties.
Next, the Court voted to authorize the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to utilize Jasper County’s Annex Facility in the City of Jasper to provide counselling services, employment referrals, and benefit application assistance to Jasper County’s local veterans. Representatives of the Department of Veterans Affairs plan to start working to assist our local veterans starting in November, 2024.
In other business, the Court voted to renew Jasper County’s local declaration of disaster for Hurricane Beryl, noting that there was still debris to be managed at Jasper County’s designated sites, and that there was still local work to be done.
As part of the renewal, the Court also took note that drought conditions had worsened over the past few days and authorized County Judge Mark Allen to order a burn ban when conditions warranted and to rescind the burn ban if enough precipitation was received to bring Jasper County out of fire danger conditions.
Concluding business, Deputy Treasurer Brenda Harding presented the monthly financial report, and I then provided the monthly civil and criminal fee report on behalf of District Clerk Rosa Norsworthy who was busy upstairs assisting the District Court.
That covers it for this Court meeting. Have a great week and as always, please feel free to give me a call if you need anything my way.
Mark Allen, County Judge
Jasper County, Texas