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Jasper County Commissioners Court

Sandi Saulsbury

The Jasper County Commissioners Court met in a Special Session on Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 and covered the following agenda items:


First, the Court held a public hearing on the 2024 tax rate and heard from citizens of the community and county department heads regarding the proposed rates.


Upon closing the hearing, the Court then heard from Jasper County’s AgriLife Extension Agent Caitlin Gallegos, who provided a breakdown of the 2023-2024 activities conducted by the Extension Office.


Jasper County hosts the Extension Office in the County Annex in Jasper and provides an administrative assistant to help with the agricultural programs for farmers, ranchers and homeowners, as well as coordinating 4-H, Master Gardener and Master Naturalist programs.


Concluding business, the Court held a public hearing on the FY2025 budget for Jasper County and once again heard from citizens, department heads and employees regarding the upcoming proposed budget.


The Court then held one last budget workshop for the FY2025 year and took up the task of determining how to distribute approximately $313,000 in funds saved by raising the health insurance deductible for all county employees.  In the end, the Court voted to allocate approximately $256 per month for each non-grandfathered employee as an insurance subsidy for health insurance coverage for their children or other family members.


The Court then voted to approve the FY2025 budget and finalized the budget process by voting to set the 2024 tax rate at 0.5711.


That covers it for this Court meeting.  Have a great week and as always, feel free to call if you need anything my way.


Mark Allen, County Judge

Jasper County, Texas


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