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Jasper County Chief's Report

Sandi Saulsbury

By Jasper County Chief Deputy Scott Duncan

November 6, 2023

Deer season is in full swing and hunters are out and about. Please watch for people walking through camps, and hunter’s make sure your property is secure. Do not leave ATVs in the deer lease if you are not there. Cameras are helpful around the camps as well.

We appreciate everyone’s patience with the burn ban. Our Commissioner’s Court will revisit this frequently but pray for rain. Cooler temps don’t help dry conditions. We need the ground saturated so that burning can be done safely.

We have started a monthly meeting with area fire chiefs, our dispatchers, and officers to collaborate and improve multi-agency response throughout the county. Our next meeting will be scheduled soon, and we are hopeful that this regular communication will improve our emergency response.

Tomorrow is Election Day, and there are several propositions to be voted on in the State of Texas. You can view the propositions at 2023 Full Text Propositions.pdf ( As voters, education is the key

to ensuring our voice counts locally on the state level, and nationally. For information on polling stations, visit 11-7-23 List of polling locations.pdf ( Your voice matters, so get out and

exercise your rights. Polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM.

With the holiday season, come more scammers. Please be careful when talking to people on the phone or social media. Do not share personal or banking information with anyone who is not verified as credible. If you are unsure, call us to help you decide whether or not it appears to be a scam. And remember, law enforcement agencies are not debt collectors. Officers will not call you to collect any payments.

We have received several tips through our dispatch lines as well as Crimestoppers. Information from citizens is crucial to solving crimes. We appreciate the help and encourage everyone to send any information they believe may be helpful our way.

We have 132 in jail this morning. If you need us, call us!

Chief Deputy Scott Duncan, Jasper County Sheriff’s Office

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