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Jasper County Chief Deputy Report

March 11, 2024

Scott Duncan, Chief Deputy

Jasper County Sheriff’s Office

A cold snap moved through this weekend and the wind conditions were

high. We are still needing a significant amount of rain to combat

drought conditions. Continue to pray for our farmers and ranchers,

they need a good year.

We had another wire theft up in Holly Springs at the JNEC Sub Station.

The thieves did a significant amount of damage, and we are working to

identify them and put them in jail.

If you are going to be out of town, please call us and have your

residence listed on our extra patrol log. We have deputies working

extra patrol in areas of concern in an effort to prevent further

thefts. We are more than happy to check on your things while you are

away. Also, I can’t say it enough, security cameras are a game changer

when it comes to solving these crimes.

We have 132 in the jail this morning. If you need us, call.


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