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Jasper County Burn Ban to be rescinded soon

Sandi Saulsbury

Jasper County Judge Mark Allen said Monday, "After much consideration, our County Commissioners and myself have voted to discontinue the burn ban in Jasper County effective at 12 a.m. on Wednesday, October 18th".

Kirbyville Volunteer Fire Chief Greg Ellis added to Allen's statement, "I want to remind everyone that until early Wednesday morning, we remain under a burn ban which means absolutely no outdoor burning of any kind. It's still very dry and it's been windy which spells disaster. Once the ban is canceled on Wednesday, burn, but please do so cautiously."

Regarding the cooler weather we have been having recently, Ellis said, "Also with the cool nights we need to remind everyone to clean the fireplace, clean their wood heaters, and chimneys. Make sure all of your smoke detectors work. We need to be just as safe in our homes as most have been during the burn ban. Also, those who have gas heaters, need to make sure they are clean and that the flames are burning clean. Please have them checked! Carbon monoxide can be very deadly".

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