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Jasper City Council Approves Infrastructure and Public Safety Improvements in February Meeting

Article and Photos Courtesy of ETB Photojournalist Rita Shipp

The Jasper City Council convened on Monday, February 10, 2025, at Jasper City Hall, covering key topics such as grant funding for city improvements, infrastructure projects, public safety initiatives, and budgetary allocations.

Council Members in Attendance:

• Mayor: Anderson Land

• Council Member District 5 At-Large: Lequin Hilderbrand

• Council Member District 4, Mayor Pro-Tem: Angel McCroskey

• Council Member District 3: DeMarcus J. Holmes

• Council Member District 2: Ronald Sample

Key Highlights from the Meeting:

City Secures $4.65 Million in Grants – The council announced that Jasper secured three major grants for water and wastewater infrastructure projects ($2.275 million), additional water system upgrades ($1.575 million), and a $800,000 upgrade to the city’s emergency communications system for police and fire departments. Officials credited the city’s strong track record of completing projects on time and within budget as a factor in receiving multiple awards.

Susan Stover - David J. Waxman, Inc.
Susan Stover - David J. Waxman, Inc.

Clean Audit Report Confirms Financial Stability – The independent audit for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, revealed no financial deficiencies or compliance violations. Jasper maintains a general fund balance of $9.7 million, equivalent to 107 days of operating expenses, which auditors described as a healthy reserve.

Greg Peterson - Audit Partner with Weaver
Greg Peterson - Audit Partner with Weaver

Approval to Replace Critical Electrical Infrastructure – The council approved plans to replace aging circuit switchers and transmission equipment at the Jason Substation, which supports 70% of the city's power grid. Engineers warned that some replacement parts have lead times up to 78 weeks, making early approval essential. The upgrades will also reduce outage restoration times by allowing city crews to control switches directly instead of relying on external providers.

Jarod Taylor - Delta Consulting, Inc.
Jarod Taylor - Delta Consulting, Inc.

Sandy Creek Drainage Relief Project Expansion – The council approved additional flood mitigation efforts using $174,000 in remaining grant funds to install more drainage materials and erosion control measures.

Greg Kelley - Jasper City Manager
Greg Kelley - Jasper City Manager

Law Enforcement Initiatives Move Forward – Annual Police Department Racial Profiling Report Approved Grant Funding Secured for Ballistic Shields and Virtual Reality Training for Officers – Police Chief Garrett Foster was designated as the official grantee to oversee these projects.

Chief Garrett Foster - Jasper Police Department
Chief Garrett Foster - Jasper Police Department

Community Development and Property Improvements – Approval of a Home Demolition Project under the Community Development Block Grant Buyout Program to clear a vacant property. Variance Approved for a residential carport installation at 1029 Avenue A.

Mayor’s Travel Budget Debate Ends Without Approval – A proposal to reallocate budgeted funds for the mayor to attend legislative and regional meetings was postponed, meaning the matter will not be reconsidered for this budget cycle.

Public Concerns and Council Discussions:

Concern Over JEDCO Operations – A community member raised concerns about the Jasper Economic Development Corporation (JEDCO), which has been inactive for four months. The speaker urged the council to restore operations and improve financial oversight, suggesting monthly updates on JEDCO'S financial status.

Future Power Costs on the Rise – The council discussed long-term power rate concerns, noting that wholesale energy providers are increasingly controlled by investment firms, which could lead to higher electricity rates in the future. Alternative energy sources such as coal and nuclear power were briefly mentioned as potential future solutions.

City Considering Legal Counsel for Economic Development – The council explored hiring an attorney specializing in municipal and economic development law to provide legal guidance on city affairs. A final decision is pending further discussions.

William “Billy” Morian III - City Attorney
William “Billy” Morian III - City Attorney

The meeting concluded with a general discussion on city affairs, and the next Jasper City Council meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2025.

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