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Fire Weather Concerns Return this Weekend

We have had some much-needed rain lately, but according to powers that be, it simply isn't enough.

Newton County Judge Ronnie Cochran said, "Please, continue to be mindful of the burn ban that Newton County has in place. Do not put yourselves, your neighbors, or our Newton County firefighters in danger".

According to Kirbyville Fire Chief Greg Ellis, when it rains after a drought like we've had, the ground absorbs the water so fast that it only helps for a short time.

Cochran said of the tireless efforts of our local Volunteer Fire Departments as well as other entities who have assisted during the terrible wildfires we've all been experiencing, "We want to thank our local VFDs for all they have done to keep our community safe through this challenging time. We also appreciate those churches and volunteer organizations who have stepped up and done all they can to support the firefighters in their efforts this fire season."


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