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The regular meeting of the Board of Emergency Services Commissioners of Jasper County Emergency Services District #1 will be held at the Jasper County Sub Courthouse (33625 US Hwy 96 South) in Buna Texas on November 28, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

The following agenda items will be discussed, considered and action taken as appropriate:


1. Call to order and establish quorum.


2. Citizen Comments.


This item is available for citizens to address the Board of Commissioners on any matters. The presiding officer may ask the citizens to hold hisor her comments on the agenda item until that agenda item is reached. By law, no deliberation oraction may be taken on the topic if the topic is not posted on the agenda. The presiding officer reserves the right to impose a time limit on this portion of the agenda;


3. Consider for action ESD facilities located at FM 1004, Central Fire Station and south station.  This also includes new water facilities, architect, funding and grants.


4. Consider for action minutes of previous meetings.


5. Consider for action Treasurer’s Report​


a.​Expense Approval Report from Treasurer

b.​Investment Quarterly Report 3rdQuarterly Report

c.​Expense Reports from bookkeeper;


6. Executive Session - Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code


1.  Litigation.

2.  Formation of Contracts3.  Disciplinary Hearings4.  Personnel Issues

5. Director Censure

6  Termination of a Contract

7.  Potential Liability Issues


7. Discuss and consider taking action on failed requirements of District by Buna Volunteer Fire Dept to include:

• Contract between Department and District

• Audit for Department

• Asset Tracking

• Typed meeting minutes of Department


8. Discuss and consider taking action on monthly reports from Allegiance Ambulance.


9. Discussion regarding operations of Allegiance Ambulance


10. Discuss and consider taking action on reports from Buna Volunteer Fire Department to include run report, financial reports, membership reports and other necessary reports.


11. Consider for action communication system to include infrastructure, portable and mobile equipment.


12. Consider for action ESD Commissioner training.


13. Discuss and consider Commissioners’ terms of office expiring at year end.


14. Review of the meeting planner and discussrequests from the Board for any agenda items for consideration at the next meeting scheduled for December 19, 2023.


15. Adjournment. 


Jasper County Emergency Services District #1 is committed to compliance with the Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Please call the District at 409-994- 2543, for information. Hearing impaired or speech disabled persons equipped with telecommunication devices for the deaf may call the statewide Relay Texas Program, 1-800-735-2988.


I hereby certify that the above notice was posted at Jasper County Emergency Services District No. 1 Office - 33625 US Hwy 96 South – Buna, Texas, Jasper County Courthouse 121 North Austin – Jasper, Texas, and the Jasper County ESD #1 Web site ( on, 11/24/23, 2023.





Billy Ted Smith


Jasper County ESD #1

Posted 11/24/23


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