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Sandi Saulsbury

Driver evaded arrested going 30-70 mph to be arraigned

At around 4:20 Tuesday afternoon, a Jasper County Deputy called into dispatch stating that he was in a low-speed pursuit of a vehicle.

Jasper County Information Officer Karli Cherry said, "It started somewhere near Dam B and ended in the Beech Grove area. When our deputy initially tried to stop the vehicle, the guy put his arm out of the window, driving 30 mph, and motioned for the deputy to go around him. He did not go around."

Cherry said that the pursuit continued on Hwy 190 reaching speeds of up to 70 mph with the driver motioning from time to time for the officer to go around him. Jasper Police eventually joined in the pursuit and together they were able to stop the vehicle and put the driver in custody.

The driver was charged with Evading Arrest. A prior charge from two nights earlier involved some sort of disturbance. That charge will more than likely be added during his arraignment.

ETB will update our readers tomorrow after he has been arraigned and his name has been released.

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