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City of Jasper busy checking for infiltration in the sanitary sewer system

Sandi Saulsbury

City of Jasper Wastewater Collection Department

This week, the Wastewater Collection Department has been busy checking for infiltration in the sanitary sewer system. As of this morning, we have received 3.66 inches of rain so far. Infiltration creates many problems for sanitary sewer systems during heavy rain events. Unsealed private cleanouts and illegally connected private drains contribute some to this, causing excess water to enter the system. Drought conditions also cause the ground to shift, which can break underground pipes, allowing water to enter the system. Roots from shrubs and trees are another significant cause of infiltration and damage to piping.

The city crews perform random checks during rain events and smoke test the system during dry weather to find places where infiltration enters the system. You can help by maintaining cleanouts on your property to ensure they are sealed from rainwater and outside debris. Also, check the roof and other drains to ensure they are not connected to the sanitary sewer system. Helping to stop infiltration can help prevent backups into homes, main line stoppages, and other problems associated with the sanitary sewer system.

To report or have questions about infiltration in the sanitary sewer system, please get in touch with City Hall at 409-384-4651.

Credit The City of Jasper

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