Buna Chamber of Commerce has some great events planned for the public!
Bokay Cravy shared, "Y’all don’t forget the Buna Chamber has lots of events coming up";
Oct 21st Movie night at the school pravillion.. Playing will be Hoco Pocus , popcorn and drinks will be on sale.. bring a chair or blanket ..
Oct 26th and 27th Cancer society donations and purchase tickets to win baskets.. Buna chamber will be set up at both football games, come by donate or buy tickets.. we have some very nice things ..
Oct 31st Buna Chamber will be set up at the old Brookshire bros. giving out candy, face painting, Bobby’s smokehouse trailor will be there and music..
Nov 11-17 we will be having a scavenger hunt, play to be put in a drawing for a gift basket
Come join Buna commerce and help our town and business thrive!!