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Buckingham Announces More Than $48.5 Million in Newly Approved Regional Mitigation Program Projects

Sandi Saulsbury

Commissioner Dawn Buckingham Announces More Than $48.5 Million in Newly Approved Regional Mitigation Program Projects for Deep East Texas Total funding approved nears $120 million for Deep East Texas.

Today Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, M.D., announced the Texas General Land Office (GLO) approved $48,563,000 in new regional mitigation funds for eight federally eligible infrastructure projects to include improving water facilities, streets and roadside drainage systems, along with the construction of public community resource centers and shelters. These new grants are approved in addition to $71,198,000 previously announced. Through the Regional Mitigation Program, the GLO enabled local prioritization, which will have a tremendous impact across multiple regions.

The Texas General Land Office is proud to help communities grow knowing that the projects we fund will help protect local infrastructure, businesses, and the homes of those who live here, Commissioner Buckingham said. Federal funds can be complicated to administer, but the GLO is helping communities across Texas cut red tape and turn funds promised into projects delivered. These projects were prioritized at the local level by those who live in the communities that will ultimately benefit from the improvements. We are in Deep East Texas because we care about this region and want to help move these projects forward for the benefit of these communities.

Newly approved grant awards:

Grantee, County, Project, Description, and Grant Amount;

Newton County, Newton, and Newton County community center and shelter $13,627,000

Onalaska Polk Street improvements $679,000

Livingston Polk Street improvements $2,541,000

Grantee, County, Project, Description, and Grant Amount;

City of Newton Newton Water and sewer improvements $2,558,000

Polk County Polk Water facilities, street, and drainage systems Improvements $15,510,000

Polk County Polk Road and water control systems improvements at three plants $1,588,000

Tyler County Tyler Drainage improvements $2,672,000

Tyler County Tyler Water and street improvements and Colmesneil area emergency generator $9,388,000

Total New Awards $48,563,000

Previously announced approved awards:

Grantee, County, Project, Description, and Grant Amount;

City of Shepherd San Jacinto Citywide water system improvements $1,964,000

City of Coldspring San Jacinto Sewage collection system improvements $631,000

City of Corrigan Polk Water storage rehabilitation $561,000

City of Hemphill Sabine Street improvements $924,000

Grantee, County, Project Description. and Grant Amount;

City of Ivanhoe Tyler Street improvements $1,933,000

Sabine County Sabine Street improvements $5,912,000

City of Woodville Tyler Street improvements $3,325,000

Jasper County Jasper Construct community resource centers, reconstruct roadways, and install elevated water storage tanks $13,254,000

Deep East Texas Council of Governments Multi-County

Broadband and interoperable radio communications

infrastructure $42,694,000

Previously Announced Total Grants $71,198,000

Texas GLO Regional Mitigation Program Council of Government Method of Distribution (COG MOD):

The Texas General Land Office (GLO) allocated $1,166,997,000 in Community Development Block Grant Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) funds

from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Regional Mitigation Program to reduce the risks and impacts of future natural disasters. Each Council of Government (COG) with HUD-designated eligible counties developed a method of distribution (MOD) for the allocation of funds to units of local governments. Each COG developed its MOD through extensive public participation. HUD defines mitigation as activities that increase resilience to disasters and reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of loss of life, injury, damage to and loss of property, and suffering and hardship, by lessening the impact of future disasters. HUD requires that at least 50% of total funds must be used for activities benefiting low- to moderate-income (LMI) persons. For more information, please visit

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