Cougar Country house fire before midnight-owner left with more questions than answers
Spring Registration for Kirbyville Youth Soccer ends soon!
Newton County Sheriff's Report
Updated: Kirbyville PD Santa's Toy Box and simultaneous Remembrance of Joe Haley was a packed show! Rockin' the Palace!
Jasper County Arrest Report
Jasper ESD #1 Meeting - January 30th
Man hit by truck following car wreck in front of Weaver Brothers in Kirbyville
Man in Kirbyville 'caught with his pants down'...again
Sexual assault led to man's arrest
Kirbyville teen died of what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound
Not what we want to think about, but...
Havard declines to Debate
92-year-old man arrested at relatives house in Kirbyville has been charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child
Fallen Officer transported through Jasper County
Jasper County Chief Deputy Report
Jasper County Commissioners Court
Kirbyville Volunteer Fire Department's 2023 Awards Banquet